• “ The combination of everything (in the circle) is life-changing to me, and I appreciate it deeply. Cuz like today, I let some shit go that I didn’t even know I needed to.”


  • “It was very inspiring and very different from the circles I have been in.”


  • “It really centered me, it made me think about my ancestors, my being. It made me think about some of the negative thoughts I think about on a daily basis and also allowed me to throw away the negative thoughts. I never thought about throwing them away. It gave me a different outlook.”


  • “If you need healing, see Tanya & Raven, you’ll never regret it.”


GUTT Healing Circle

Gaining Unity Through Transformation (GUTT) Healing Circle is a healing space for Black people to introduce ourselves to ourselves. Led by a community-trained facilitator, we breathe here, chop it up, learn de-stressing tools and healing techniques, and un-learn conditioned behaviors and adopted views of us.

We educate each other on our experiences and what has shaped us as individuals and community, and come to understandings about self, systems, history, and current events. We explore and expose ourselves to nontraditional methods of healing. We idea-swap and share resources. But most of all, we build, vibe out, and love one another.

Founded in 2015, GUTT Healing Circle provides meetups, dialogues, and team-building activities for youth and adults. GUTT is in collaboration with the 2019 Community Safety Initiative South L.A. Healing Circles in response to an uptick in community violence.


Youth GUTT Healing Circle focuses on confidence-building and emotional intelligence through mindful movement and healing dialogue. We incorporate fun team-building activities that allow youth to openly express their experiences to pull from them, learn from them, and continue to grow with intention.